Enterprise Fire Company Receives Delivery of First Toyne Apparatus

PHOENIX, New York (February 1, 2019) - The Enterprise Fire Company No. 1 in Phoenix, New York has accepted delivery of a custom-built Toyne Priority Response Vehicle (PRV). The fire department received the apparatus in late November. As the department’s first Toyne apparatus, the PRV will fulfill multiple roles for the growing department, such as mutual aid backup and first response.
Enterprise Fire Company’s Toyne Tailored Apparatus is mounted on a Spartan Gladiator LFD chassis with a raised 10-inch roof. Powered by a Cummins ISL 450 horsepower engine and an Allison 3000 EVS transmission, the PRV is quick to respond to calls. Toyne fitted the department’s apparatus with a 1,000-gallon UPF tank and a Hale Qmax 2000 pump, capable of pumping water at 2,000 gallons per minute.
Toyne also customized the apparatus by mounting it with an Akron 3440 Deckmaster electric firefighting monitor, and it is equipped with telescoping Fire Research SPA260-Q15 surface mounted lights. A Foam Pro 1600 Class A automatic foam system was installed for further fire suppression capabilities.
Established in 1852, the Enterprise Fire Company, dubbed the “Home of the Firebirds”, has over 160 years of rich firefighting history. The Firebird outfit consists of 40 volunteer firefighters that carry on the mission of protecting those they serve by providing EMS and fire protection to the communities of Phoenix, Lysander, Schroeppel, and mutual aid to neighboring departments in Oswego County. Even though the department primarily protects rural areas, they respond to over 550 calls annually.
“It has been a very good and positive experience working with Toyne. This company takes so much pride in what they build,” said Ed Mason, Fire Chief of the Enterprise Fire Company. “I would not hesitate to recommend other departments to buy a Toyne. As a new chief it makes me feel good knowing it will do what it needs to do when needed.”
This Toyne PRV was sold by J.P.B. Fire Service, Inc., an authorized Toyne dealer based out of Syracuse, New York.
Learn more about the Phoenix, New York Enterprise Fire Company by visiting www.phoenixfdny.com.