Toyne Announces 2013 Dealer Summit Details
Breda, Iowa - The agenda for the 2013 Toyne Dealer Summit was released to team members today and it features some exciting topics for those in attendance. While Toyne leaders and vendors will continue to be present to provide valuable sales information and training exercises, the summit will be highlighted by the unveiling of the new Toyne brand that has been in development for the past several months.
Toyne's plans to undergo a rebranding effort were announced at their 2012 Dealer Summit. Dealer input was solicited both during and following the event, with an online survey being distributed to Toyne dealers and employees to gather observations and suggestions as the company completed a brand assessment. Research findings helped to further define the Toyne organization and contributed to the final products of the rebranding effort.
The dealers and the public got their first glimpse of the efforts being undertaken this past April at the Fire Departments Instructors Conference (FDIC) in Indianapolis. Banners and truck signage pointed attendees online to where a live countdown lives, alongside statements from Toyne leaders that make reference to exciting changes and an upcoming announcement about "the Toyne of tomorrow."
"We are always excited to gather as a group, but this year's event will be particularly significant," said Toyne National Sales Manager Mike Watts. "We made a concerted effort to plan for the release of our new brand at the annual summit so we could be surrounded by our dealer network when this exciting new chapter at Toyne begins."